Photo Friday: Desert Blooms

Flowers are just starting to bloom around here. The other day I started seeing spots of color in the beige desert landscape so yesterday I took a walk with camera in hand. I found all these along the side of a busy road (though a little less busy these days).

This post is for all those stuck inside or stuck in winter. I hope you enjoy.

I have no idea of plant names so I will call them by color!

Pink. I think this is my favorite.
Dark purple.
No flowers on the cacti yet but this south facing plant has cool looking buds. I do believe this is a barrel cactus.

Keep your Focus!

Photo Friday: Spring

So I had this great idea to go over to Sabino Canyon on the first day of spring and look for flowers in bloom. When I woke up it was raining. So I thought, I’ll just go this afternoon. And then afternoon came and what I really wanted to do was sit on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and watch a movie.

But I did take some pictures around my backyard earlier in the day when the weather was still looking iffy. And there is a very good chance I’ll have time in the next week to go on the hunt in the wild for spring blooms.

No buds on the chrysanthemum yet but we’ll get one more bloom before the heat sets in.
Clouds are moving east.
I finished coloring this so apt picture.
This is from an e-mail the Vermont Country Store sent out. I have adopted this as my motto for the pandemic.

Keep your focus!

Photo Friday: Beaches

Last week was Rodeo Break here in Tucson and that meant an opportunity to get away for a long weekend. This year we headed to the beach in California. We stayed at a Navy RV park and spent the first day at Dog Beach and our last day at Seal Beach. In between we went to Knott’s Berry Farm. I’ll share those photos next week. But for today, hello Pacific Ocean!

E and Sherlock enjoying the beach.
Pier at Seal Beach

No rain on us but it did look ominous.

Keep Your Focus!

2019: Creative Courage

My word for 2019 was Creative Courage and I have to say I think I did pretty well. I stepped out of my comfort zone numerous times and in various areas. Some of the things I did include:

  1. Taking a photography class and sharing photos and making Photo Friday posts.
  2. Participated in Anne Butera’s Handmade Joy Exchange.
  3. Contributed regularly to Carrot Ranch’s flash fiction prompts.
  4. Entered three of Carrot Ranch’s flash fiction contests.
  5. Created a sketchbook for the Sketchbook Project which will go on tour and be available for viewing on-line.
  6. Shared art work on-line via Facebook with “Magical Mindfulness” and “Sketchbook Revival”.

And now it is time to think about new goals and challenges. I am having a tough time figuring out my word for 2020. Once I figure it out I’ll let you know!

Photo Friday: Boxing Day

Boxing Day is the 26th of December but not really a holiday here in the U.S. More of a Canada and England thing but I like to celebrate it anyway. We eat something British-y and have Christmas Crackers and pretend it really is a holiday.

This year we had a very yummy shepherd’s pie which I put together in the morning so I could take a nice hike in the late afternoon. Yes, more Sabino Canyon photos but I explored some places I hadn’t been to in awhile and looked for interesting angles.

Quite the triangle!
Water in the creek is always nice.
Why do I love stair shots?
We don’t get our fall color until December or January. It is pretty no matter what month it happens in.
A little atmospheric black and white.
And me practicing blurring the water. Sadly everything else blurred a bit too, must use tripod next time.



Photo Friday: Holiday Decorating

I have been in my current home nine years now and still don’t have a set Christmas decorating plan down. Maybe I am destined to change things up every year. Overall I am pretty happy with the way things turned out this year. Except for the dining room light. I have already decided to go look at the clearance stuff after Christmas and see if I get any ideas. Here are a few of my new favorite spots this year.

I almost left these garlands in the garage because I didn’t like them on the upstairs railing last year. But I hauled them in “just in case”. Turns out I love them on the picture frames!
My Agatha Christies all gussied up for Christmas.
I had no idea what to do with this garland (and couldn’t even remember where I had it last year) until I thought to put it above the stairwell. And I like it.
My village scene keeps growing and now has been divvied up into three different locations. These are the hodge-podge pieces and work nicely in this narrow (height wise) space.
The nativity portion in now on the bookcase in the upstairs hallway. (Nice and peaceful there for the Holy Family)
And finally our Lego village in the dining room. We added the gingerbread house at the far end this year and I wish I could live there!

One last photo. I found this sweater in the grocery store of all places!

I couldn’t pass this up, it is too perfect to wear to “The Nutcracker” ballet later this month!

Here’s to a wonderful holiday season!

Photo Friday: Green Friday and Small Business Saturday

You may have heard about a movement to change Black Friday to Green Friday. To change the focus from consumerism to getting out in nature. Here in the desert southwest it was more of a Gray Friday. Rain, wind and dropping temperatures made me want to stay indoors. I boiled up the turkey frame re-filling the house with that Thanksgiving turkey smell. After I got three containers of soup base into the freezer I noticed the weather was clearing up so after lunch my son and I went to Sabino Canyon and fulfilled our Green Friday hiking goal.

Yup, snow on the mountain tops!
Water roaring over the dam.
Some macro lens action. This is a “teddy bear” cactus. From a distance it looks fuzzy, not spiky.
I don’t know what type of cactus this is, first time I noticed it. Very cool looking though.

After more rain early Saturday morning the sun was shining again by the afternoon. We went to the Reid Park Arts and Crafts festival for a little Christmas shopping. After we were done we took time to stop and smell the roses. They were a bit battered but still fragrant and beautiful.

So you can get an idea of how many blooms there were.
Another macro shot, such a beautiful color.
And we’ll end with a Christmasy looking rose.

Keep your focus!

*Top photo is an orange on my tree, close to being ripe. Maybe we’ll have fresh orange juice for Christmas morning!

Photo Friday: Outdoors

Yup, still in the 90’s here but that is not keeping me from pretending it feels like autumn. Last week I escaped up the mountain and found some cool air!

The clouds were flying across the sky.
The mix of clouds and sun lent to the autumnal feel.
My view while enjoying a picnic lunch.

This week we headed to Willcox, AZ to do the corn maze and pick pumpkins and apples. The sun was pretty warm but the air felt cool and there was a breeze making it feel quite lovely in the shade.

Apples but no leaves, how weird is that?
Now that it is October how about a “spooky” flowers photo?

Keep your focus!